How do I contact the seller of a business

You can contact the seller via the contact form on the listing page

How do I get more details about a listing

You can acquire more details about the business by directly contacting the seller

Can I still contact the seller through the website if the business has been sold

If the business is sold or listing is removed you will be unable to contact the seller via the website.

The Seller has not replied my enquiry

Please remember that sellers will get multiple enquiries and they can choose who they would like to reply. We recommend including as much details as possible in your enquiry to increase the chances of getting a reply from the seller

Business listing contains insufficient information

Please note we do not create the listings ourselves. We strive to ensure that the listings are genuine and we encourage sellers to include as much information as possible. However, it is the buyer’s responsibility to conduct  thorough due diligence before buying a business.

Do I have to pay register as a buyer

No. It is free for buyers to browse our site

My listing is not getting any enquiries

We apologies if you are experiencing this. We recommend including as much information and pictures as possible to attract more potential buyers to generate enquiries.

How to judge the enquiries received are genuine?

It is free for buyers to browse and contact you. We encourage due diligence before engaging a potential buyer. It may also be good to keep an NDA on hand to protect your interests.

Can I make multiple listings for the same business

We do not allow multiple listings for the same business and we strive to weed out duplicates on our platform.

How will my personal contact details be shared

Your personal contact details will not be made public. The buyer’s enquiry will be routed to you via our email system. 

Will ezbizsale.com be able to assist me in selling the business

Ezbizsale.com does not engage in corporate advisory or M&A services. We provide an advertising platform for business sellers to market the business. If you do require assistance we suggest reaching out to a lawyer or broker that can help with the process.